Say hello to a jungle creature who's new to the island. His name's Da'vi, and he's the distant relative to one of the current jungle boys, Toki. Da'vi goes by the nickname of 'Monkey' for two reasons...one being that his ultra-long cock has the ability to work like a monkey's tail.

This is Horse (could be his actual name, or a nickname). He appears to be one of the new boys around, possibly a relative to the previous ones (either Patrick or Mignon). How did he get the name Horse in the first place? Maybe it's 'cause he can cum like one!

Sly and Scott having a little brotherly time with their new pal, Rob, who showed the bros how it's done to shoot a cumshot! (Made for an online friend)

A gay old time! Rocky the Caveboy is one of the prehistoric residents, as he and his pet Brontosaurus, Bronty, goes and meets up with Dimata. Rocky's quite impressed with Dimata's cock, and is more than ready to please it!

Wings, lots of wings! Niyol, a moth(?), has gained the attention of an unnamed Dragonfly--though he's not gonna let the dragonfly slip away from his fingers! Below is a gargoyle, who fancies himself to be in more dark places such as graveyards~